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Approach and Services

Having a pro-Human purpose that is shared between both entities, it only makes sense to share learnings, risks, and rewards. This form of ownership autonomy is the working model of the future, The Co-Operative Model. This model is flexible. It works in sectors across the economy and can be organised in a range of ways. It enables businesses large and small to thrive, gives the people a stake in it, harnesses their ideas and as a result boosts productivity.
One of us, as an individual consultant joins your team (in an agency or an organization) to plug in the necessary mindset and methods. He/she will work with your established team process and apply their expertise to ensure your team's success. We aren't picky with titles, we roll with the vision.
Our Inclusive Co-Op Models
Process illustration 01
Our Scalable 5l process
  • Exploration. Framing. Clarity.

    The design process starts with correctly framing the challenge through a series of conversations facilitated through interviews and workshops that help to set the context. Some of the metrics to identify the right challenge are: Has it taken all constraints into account? What does it set to achieve and by when? Does it encourage diversified solutions? Through the discovery stage, we also determine the purpose to get a clear sense of direction and impact our efforts will generate.

    How might we prototype a new mindset?
  • Data. Direction. Analysis.

    As we're framing the design challenge and clarifying our purpose, we listen to the voices loud and quiet to understand who they are, how they live and what they seek to achieve. We tap into our diverse research methods to get a compelling understanding of how all your targeted behaviour sets operate. It's a great way to uncover knowledge gaps and opportunity areas for your organisation.

    Usability Heuristic Analysis Business Growth & Analytics Stakeholder Interviews User Definition Ecosystem Audit Empathy Map Canvas
  • Roadmap. Co-Creation. Ideation.

    Co-developing ideas, roadmaps and plans enable all parts of the business to have ownership and see their priorities at play within the solutions. These are only valuable if they become real. To ensure maximum impact, we set a roadmap that is technically scalable and cost-effective, with practical strategies that can be realized.

    Co-Creation Workshop KPI Definition User Journey Mapping Service Blueprinting
  • Blueprint. Experiences. Products.

    The implementation phase is when the project begins to come together, and there’s hardly anything more exciting than that. We have access to an intuitive design and tech team that set up, run and refine a solid process with the latest tools and methodologies (Scrum, Kanban, etc.), with a continuous loop of review, updates, deployment and testing.

    Process Modelling 360 Testing Data Management Experiential Spaces Design System
  • Research. Scalable Ecosystems. Future Scope Out.

    Designing the future is a creative act. We use a wide range of strategic tools and methods to help organizations take advantage of untapped opportunities in the market, including research, ideation, market strategy, forecasting, technology planning, and business modelling. But we start with the bigger question that can transform businesses: What impact it can have on the users' lives?

    Service Innovation Future Scope Out Product Innovation (Physical + Digital) Controlled Experimentation

Our Super Services

Here are our hand picked client favorites, embracing the complete process and our library of tools and methods.

Product Design
and Delivery

Create products fast with experiences people love through a hybrid operational mix of DesignOps + DevOps and our Scalable 5I process.

Business Growth and Analytics

Scale your business and product by generating insights and taking data-driven decisions. Learn what drives your customers' behaviours and how they react to new product features.

HX (Human Experience)

Build an exponential mindset to continuously deliver value through our Human Experience (HX) Quotient. It combines the impact of customer experience (CX), the workforce experience (WX), and aligns them to human values.

Culture Design

Strategically reimagine your business, aligning how to win with how to work together. It's far more than boxes and lines, it's a sprint on purpose, pace and productivity.