How might we prototype a new mindset?

In Short:
" Orikami Lab was a pillar in developing our Customer Experience journey. They have introduced us to new ways of collaborating with customers, new tools that simplified our day to day work, enabled adopting new concepts of designing both interface and experience of the users. Orikami Lab displayed advanced techniques in problem solving. We appreciate their devotion and effort throughout the journey. "
Devid Jegerson, EVP Head of Customer Experience and Platform Development
What does this mean?
They wanted to learn and apply the user-centric process, to generate results that can signal the benefits of a pro-CX banking culture.
Solving for this needs to fundamentally start with the most productive and frictionless way to collaborate. We applied the I Co-Op approach and plugged in a consultant in the NBF CX team and our HCI framework [Human Centered Index] onto the pilot initiative: the retail customer onboarding platform NBF Instant.
There were multi-pronged challenges to take into account:
- NBF Instant was already going through a new versioning process during our project kick-off.
- We will have to introduce a new way of working to a legacy organizational culture to create a platform to increase user acquisition.
- We were working with a new team who themselves were working together for the first time.
Project Genesis was born out of the need to address these challenges. It's made up of primary stakeholders representing each business and user touchpoint. Its mission is to create new solutions that develop positive capabilities for the citizens/residents and open up the right conversations about what is possible with a bank.
Our Work Structure
Our work got focused on our 5I phases:
- Intent - Vision Clarity
- Insights - Needs and Opportunity Map
- Impact - Ideas Tank, Product Roadmap
- Implementation - Build and Test
- Innovation - Genesis 2.0
Project Genesis kicked off, and in the first two months of 360 research, after extensive stakeholder interviews, ethnographic research and market surveys, an opportunity revealed itself: (insert opportunity here). This opportunity highlighted the user need and the market gap for NBF.
But getting to the idea was the easiest part. National Bank of Fujairah, sits inside a complex and highly regulated industry, transforming an insight into an idea to an implementation worth pursuing required a certain degree of business agility.
The Transit Account would require a significant compliant and operational investment, affecting everything from account set up regulations to centralized systems infrastructure. In our heads, this was possible but it was up to the stakeholders involved, to do the heavy lifting. This led to months of extensive meetings designed around 'What if?' instead of 'This isn't.' where we looked through each business lens and anchored our decision making to the user realities we were aspiring for.
This was a new way of working for so many involved and we were excited to witness the blocks of bias slowly cracking down as roadblocks gradually dissipated. As the process and project got more fluid, we decided to start prototyping NBF Instant and Transit Account from conversation Day 1. By Day 120, we had a product ready to be signed by all stakeholders, Design, Vision and Experience.